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- Instalare verlihub -

The first step that you want to do is download the Verlihub source files, so you can build the binaries yourself. You can either download a tarball of the source, or clone the git repository. For this, I just downloaded the tarball, and extracted it into my home folder

tar xvf verlihub-0.9.8e-r2.tar.bz2

Once you completed the above step, you must now download and install the build tools / compiler, so you can compile the source code you just downloaded. You’ll also be downloading MySQL server, to store all of the Verlihub settings.

yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel mysql mysql-server mysql-devel pcre-devel

After installing the above, you now need to download and install GeoIP. This is used by Verlihub to show what country the users are from, based off of their IP address. (Does anyone know if GeoIP supports IPv6?).

You can install this from using yum, but I never got it to work, I downloaded the source and compiled it myself:

tar xvf GeoIP.tar.gz
cd GeoIP-1.4.6/
./configure && make && make install

Once that install finally completes, now you can finally compile and install Verlihub:

cd ../verlihub-0.9.8e-r2/
./configure && make && make install

Hopefully everything runs as it should and installs correctly. It was a little bit of pain for me to get everything running as it should, but after a bit of work I was able to get it to compile and install without error.

After everything compiles, you need to configure your server. I won’t go through everything with you, as the default values should suit you fine, minus the name of your hub, and your own username / password combo. To configure, run the following command:


Once you get everything configured as you like, all you need to do is start the server!


After all of that, you have your own hub running. Pretty exciting eh? Now you can have users connect to your hub and everything will be fantastic. Happy hubbing!

verlihub.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/05 23:25 (external edit)